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Every week we will be posting something new and exciting. Be sure to check out this page often and get some inspiration, knowledge, and an occasional laugh or two. The world of web development and branding constantly evolve, here is our take on the hottest topics out there.

Pixel Bytes - Pixel Architect Blog

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Job Posting - SEO/Internet Marketing Specialist

Pixel Architect is a web development and internet marketing company with a goal of helping businesses and non-profits enhance and expand their online presence. We work closely with our clients in a collaborative process to deliver immersive and engaging web experiences.

Job Posting - Web Developer 

Our ideal candidate will be an experienced, detail-oriented Web Developer that is hardworking, and diligent in completing tasks. This candidate will be well-versed in many programming languages and have a good understanding of many CMS including Drupal and WordPress.

5 Tips to Boost Your Business Over the Holidays

You might think it's a bit silly to start thinking about the holidays already. However, you'd be wrong. There's no excuse for you not to be thinking about your winter holiday business strategy right now.

Webform Logo Design

We were fortunate enough to get the task to help brand the Webform module. The first step is to design the official Webform logo. The "Hero" or the "Classic"? Help decide which will be the new Webform logo.

Going all in with Drupal

We are going all-in with Drupal! Find out why we are switching all our efforts and future projects to this platform. The future is bright with Drupal, we have the reasons on why you should consider this CMS for your new website project.